Variable compensation and salesperson health

Researchers from University of Houston and University of Bochum published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines how variable compensation plans for salespeople can lead to lower health.

New NASA mission to detect plant water use from space

Doctors learn a lot about their patients' health by taking their temperature. An elevated temperature, or fever, can be a sign of illness. The same goes for plants, but their temperatures on a global scale are harder to measure ...

Can stress management help save honeybees?

Honeybee populations are clearly under stress—from the parasitic Varroa mite, insecticides, and a host of other factors—but it's been difficult to pinpoint any one of them as the root cause of devastating and unprecedented ...

Early warning signs of population collapse

Many factors—including climate change, overfishing or loss of food supply—can push a wild animal population to the brink of collapse. Ecologists have long sought ways to measure the risk of such a collapse, which could ...

Mediocre managers as damaging as the David Brents of the workplace

Not taking responsibility, passing on stress, panicking about deadlines and telling staff what to do rather than consulting them, are some of the worst attributes of bad managers identified in new research by the Chartered ...

Can your phone double up as your life-coach?

(—Researchers are developing a smartphone platform that enables careful monitoring of lifestyle to pinpoint and help avert triggers for stress and negative emotion.

Quantifying corn rootworm damage

Every year farmers spend a lot of money trying to control corn rootworm larvae, which are a significant threat to maize production in the United States and, more recently, in Europe. University of Illinois researchers have ...

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