A 'Flickr-ing' view of the world, in 4-D

Imagine a version of Google Street View where you could hit the rewind button and see any point in time over the last five years. Cornell researchers are building something like that, at least for a few much-visited places.

Google won't be taken to court over data gather

The US state of Connecticut said Friday it would hold negotiations with Google over the collection of private wireless data by its Street View mapping cars and not take the Internet giant to court.

Sale bittersweet for Washington Post veterans

Washington Post journalists shared bittersweet thoughts Tuesday after the storied newspaper's sale to the founder of Amazon, mourning the loss of the Graham family's stewardship while hoping for more financial stability.

Mapping out the future of GPS technology

Ditching satellites and complex, powerful computers and opting for camera technology inspired by small mammals may be the future of navigation systems.

Google may be gearing up for 'store view' feature

(PhysOrg.com) -- Google is rumored to have been busy taking photos inside selected retail stores in New York and San Francisco apparently in preparation for adding a tentatively-named 'store view'ť feature to Google ...

German ministers slam Facebook for privacy glitch

German ministers criticised social networking site Facebook on Sunday for failing to respect privacy, following a report of a serious flaw that allowed non-subscribers access to private data.

Team develops web tool to speed data collection

By 2030, one in five Americans will be age 65 or older. To understand the role neighborhoods play in seniors' ability to 'age in place'—living safely and independently in one's home of choice rather than in a healthcare ...

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