Related topics: global warming

Explained: Radiative forcing

When people talk about global warming or the greenhouse effect, the main underlying scientific concept that describes the process is radiative forcing. And despite all the recent controversy over leaked emails and charges ...

Ozone hole reduces atmospheric CO2 uptake in the Southern Ocean

Does ozone have an impact on the ocean's role as a "carbon sink"? Yes, according to researchers from France. Using original simulations, they have demonstrated that the hole in the ozone layer reduces atmospheric carbon uptake ...

Satellites provide new insight into ozone-depleting species

Using data from the satellite-based MIPAS and GOME-2 instruments, scientists have for the first time detected important bromine species in the atmosphere. These new measurements will help scientists to better understand sources ...

Why snow days are becoming increasingly rare in the UK

Winter frost fairs were common on the frozen River Thames between the 17th and 19th centuries, but they've become unimaginable in our lifetime. Over decades and centuries, natural variability in the climate has plunged the ...

High-latitude volcanic eruptions have global impact

Volcanic eruptions emit sulfate aerosols via volcanic plumes, which may stay in the stratosphere for months to years, reflecting sunlight back into space, cooling the Earth's lower atmosphere or troposphere over a long time ...

Measuring ozone from space

Today is the UN's International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer – the perfect opportunity to look at how and why measurements of this molecule are taken from space.

Strong ozone depletion above the arctic possible

This winter, the Arctic stratosphere so far has been unusually cold. Hence, all prerequisites are given for strong ozone depletion in the next weeks. This conclusion is based on first results of the POLSTRACC measurement ...

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