Related topics: global warming

Austrian eyes record jump from edge of space in US

An Austrian daredevil is hoping to make an unprecedented leap from the edge of space Tuesday, setting records as he breaks the speed of sound in freefall in the skies above the US state of New Mexico.

Skydiver eyes record-breaking jump over NM

Experienced skydiver and extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner hopes to take the leap of his life on Tuesday, attempting the highest, fastest free fall in history.

UN hails 25-year ozone treaty for preventing disaster

The United Nations treaty to protect the ozone layer signed nearly 25 years ago prevented an environmental disaster, a chief UN scientist said Friday, cautioning though that the Earth's radiation shield is still under threat.

Two hurricane Global Hawks, two sets of instruments

NASA's Hurricane Severe Storm Sentinel Mission, or HS3, will be studying hurricanes at the end of the summer, and there will be two high-altitude, long-duration unmanned aircraft with different instruments flying over the ...

Superconducting submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder (SMILES)

The Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) is the first onboard mechanically cooled superconducting mixer and high-resolution system for measuring atmospheric minor constituents related to stratospheric ...

Low temperatures enhance ozone degradation above the Arctic

Extraordinarily cold temperatures in the winter of 2010/2011 caused the most massive destruction of the ozone layer above the Arctic so far: The mechanisms leading to the first ozone hole above the North Pole were studied ...

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