Related topics: global warming

Researchers measure ozone-depleting bromine

How much does bromine affect stratospheric ozone? Answering this question is the primary objective of measurements by a multi-instrument gondola carried by a high-altitude balloon. The gondola accommodates a unique combination ...

NASA simulation portrays ozone intrusions from aloft

( —Outdoor enthusiasts in Colorado's Front Range are occasionally rewarded with remarkable visibility brought about by dry, clear air and wind. But it's what people in the mountainous U.S. West can't see in conditions ...

Previously unknown atmospheric phenomenon discovered

Recent research results show that an atmospheric hole over the tropical West Pacific is reinforcing ozone depletion in the polar regions and could have a significant influence on the climate of the Earth.

Scientists to examine Pacific's 'global chimney'

Even though few people live in the western tropical Pacific Ocean, these remote waters affect billions of people by shaping climate and air chemistry worldwide. Next week, leading scientists will head to the region to better ...

Rare atmospheric phenomenon observed

Cameras operated by the Armagh Observatory have recorded one of the very few observations from the UK and Ireland of a very rare atmospheric phenomenon known as a 'sprite'. The detection, which was made around the time of ...

Google begins launching Internet-beaming balloons (Update)

Google is launching Internet-beaming antennas into the stratosphere aboard giant, jellyfish-shaped balloons with the lofty goal of getting the entire planet online. Eighteen months in the works, the top-secret project was ...

Internet's fast lane getting crowded

When Google Inc. tapped Kansas City as its first test bed for super-fast Internet service, the market looked poised to slingshot into a high-tech stratosphere. Two years later, as a few Kansas City neighborhoods plug into ...

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