Related topics: global warming

The air above Antarctica is suddenly getting warmer

Record warm temperatures above Antarctica over the coming weeks are likely to bring above-average spring temperatures and below-average rainfall across large parts of New South Wales and southern Queensland.

Warming in the stratosphere leads to cold winters

In the first week of January, the Arctic stratosphere suddenly warmed up, an occurrence known as "sudden stratospheric warming" (SSW). This phenomenon results in cold winter weather, just the kind we are facing now – ETH ...

Aeolus wows with first wind data

Just one week after ESA's Aeolus satellite shone a light on our atmosphere and returned a taster of what's in store, this ground-breaking mission has again exceeded all expectations by delivering its first data on wind – ...

30 years of healing the ozone layer

This week marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The signing of the Montreal Protocol was a landmark political event. The treaty is the first in the ...

Low-frequency sea sounds ring clear at high altitudes

A new study shows microphones suspended from helium balloons in the stratosphere can detect low-frequency sounds from ocean waves. The new method shows promise for detecting acoustic signals from natural disasters and nuclear ...

Image: Haze on the Saturn horizon

This false-color view from NASA's Cassini spacecraft gazes toward the rings beyond Saturn's sunlit horizon. Along the limb (the planet's edge) at left can be seen a thin, detached haze. This haze vanishes toward the right ...

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