Family members' emotional attachment limits family firm growth

While non-active family members as major shareholders and non-family members on boards and in top management teams will push for profit and encourage growth through their entrepreneurial drive, there is less risk-taking from ...

New approach to energy strategy accounts for uncertainty

Many countries—including Switzerland—are developing an energy strategy to meet various objectives such as reducing reliance on fossil fuels, cutting CO2 emissions and promoting the energy transition. That means governments ...

New study pits big data against intuition

A Massey University PhD student is delving into the decision-making processes of companies to understand whether judgement calls based on big data produce better outcomes.

Mammals can 'choose' sex of offspring, study finds

A new study led by a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that mammalian species can "choose" the sex of their offspring in order to beat the odds and produce extra grandchildren.

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