Molecular monkey arranges X-chromosome activation

X chromosomes are very special genetic material. They differ in number between men and women. To achieve equality between sexes, one out of two X chromosomes in women is silenced. In flies, the opposite happens: in male flies, ...

Astronauts demonstrate CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in space

Researchers have developed and successfully demonstrated a novel method for studying how cells repair damaged DNA in space. Sarah Stahl-Rommel of Genes in Space and colleagues present the new technique in the open-access ...

Revolutionary process could signal new era for gene synthesis

A team of scientists led by the University of Southampton has demonstrated a groundbreaking new method of gene synthesis - a vital research tool with real-world applications in everything from growing transplantable organs ...

DNA-guided assembly yields novel ribbon-like nanostructures

( —Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have discovered that DNA "linker" strands coax nano-sized rods to line up in way unlike any other spontaneous arrangement of rod-shaped ...

Electronic zippers control DNA strands

A research team from NPL and the University of Edinburgh have invented a new way to zip and unzip DNA strands using electrochemistry.

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