Fjords may emit as much methane as all the deep oceans globally

During heavy storms, the normally stratified layers of water in ocean fjords get mixed, which leads to oxygenation of the fjord floor. But these storm events also result in a spike in methane emissions from fjords to the ...

Flooded three times in two weeks, California town is fed up

Using a plastic broom, Camilla Shaffer scrapes at the thick layer of mud caking her yard—it's the third time in two weeks that her house has been flooded thanks to the string of storms that have hit California in rapid ...

'Hindcasting' study investigates the extreme 2013 Colorado flood

In September 2013, severe storms struck Colorado with prolonged, heavy rainfall, resulting in at least nine deaths, 1,800 evacuations and 900 homes destroyed or damaged. The eight-day storm dumped more than 17 inches of rain, ...

LOFAR radio telescope reveals secrets of solar storms

An international team of scientists led by a researcher from Trinity College Dublin and University of Helsinki announced a major discovery on the very nature of solar storms in the journal Nature Astronomy.

The long dry: global water supplies are shrinking

A global study has found a paradox: our water supplies are shrinking at the same time as climate change is generating more intense rain. And the culprit is the drying of soils, say researchers, pointing to a world where drought-like ...

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