Spot a bot to stop a botnet

Computer scientists in India have developed a two-pronged algorithm that can detect the presence of a botnet on a computer network and block its malicious activities before it causes too much harm. The team describes details ...

Cloud computing's ubiquity brings down prices

If you've ever had your laptop stolen, watched your toddler baptize your PC with Pepsi, or had your MacBook come to a cold, dead stop, you know that the digital memories we store on our home computers are anything but indelible.

Review: It's not an iPhone 5, but so what?

To some people, Apple's new iPhone 4S isn't the complete overhaul they have been hoping for. Its model number, which doesn't include a "5," reeks of the status quo.

The grass is always greener

( -- Recent study of grasslands shows that species variety more important to ecosystem services than previously thought.

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