Lemur research gets a gut check

"Stool sample collector" is not a glamorous way to introduce oneself at a party. But in the course of their research, gut microbiologists Erin McKenney and Lydia Greene have spent a lot of time waiting for animals to relieve ...

More than 7 million bacterial genes in the pig gut

An international consortium of researchers from INRA (France), University of Copenhagen and SEGES (Denmark), BGI-Shenzhen (China) and NIFES (Norway) has now established the first catalogue of bacterial genes in the gut of ...

What sewage can tell us about health

The maxim "one man's trash is another man's treasure" certainly describes the work of Mariana G. Matus: The fourth-year PhD student in computational and systems biology at MIT is part of a team collecting samples of sewage ...

White bread helps boost some of the gut's 'good' microbes

White-bread lovers take heart. Scientists are now reporting that this much-maligned food seems to encourage the growth of some of our most helpful inhabitants—beneficial gut bacteria. In addition to this surprising find, ...

Scientists develop new approach for sampling gut bacteria

Scientists at Forsyth, Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health have developed a new protocol for collecting saliva and stool samples for genomic and transcriptomic analyses. This method eliminates ...

Your body's microbiome has a unique 'fingerprint'

The microbiome is your body's set of microbial communities; microbial cells outnumber human cells roughly ten to one. Through studying the microbiome, scientists are learning more the relationship between these microbes and ...

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