Related topics: protein

Study shows egg-laying mammals are unique, inside and out

The identification of a key gene in monotremes has increased our understanding of why the stomachs of platypuses and echidnas are atypically small, non-acidic, and, in the instance of platypuses, lack a pyloric sphincter.

Acclaimed primatologist Frans de Waal dies at 75: Emory

Primatologist Frans de Waal, whose study of chimpanzees and apes helped reveal the reconciliatory and empathic nature of primates—including humans—has died at age 75, said the university where he worked for decades.

Salmonella outbreak brings CDC warning over small turtles

Public health officials are currently investigating a multi-state outbreak of Salmonella, a bacterial disease that causes diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. According to an August 2023 investigation notice by the Atlanta-based ...

Confirming the safety of genetically edited allergen-free eggs

Researchers have developed a chicken egg that may be safe for people with egg white allergies. Chicken egg allergies are one of the most common allergies in children. Though most children outgrow this allergy by age 16, some ...

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