Barrier screens reduce damage from brown marmorated stink bug

The brown marmorated stink bug, first identified in the United States in Pennsylvania in the mid-1990s, has spread to at least 42 states and two Canadian provinces. The invasive pest has been able to rapidly extend its range ...

Stink bug traps may increase damage to tomato fruits

The invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) is an important pest of fruits and vegetables. To counter them, some home gardeners use pheromone-baited traps that are designed to attract, trap, and kill them. ...

Combating USDA's top-ranked invasive insect

First detected in the United States a decade ago, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is now in at least 39 states, is wreaking havoc in homes and gardens, and is a major economic threat to orchard fruits, garden vegetables ...

Biology and management of the green stink bug

The green stink bug is one of the most damaging native stink bug species in the United States. Stink bugs feeding on cotton, soybeans, tomatoes, peaches, and other crops can result in cosmetic damage as well as reduced quality ...

Infestation of stink bugs continues to spread across Virginia

(—In the 12 years since brown marmorated stink bugs were discovered in Allentown, Pa., the voracious insect has made a slow and steady march toward Virginia. Since it was found in the state in 2004, it has caused ...

Stink bugs shouldn't pose problem until late summer

Last fall, Stephanie Sturmfels battled stink bugs at her Pike Creek home and yard. “Stink bugs were on my deck, they were on my front porch, some were even in my house,” recalls the mother of two small children. ...

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