Mexico declares drought emergency

Mexico has declared a drought emergency to enable authorities to take special measures to guarantee water supplies in hard-hit areas.

Why can't snakes blink?

Spoiler alert: if you ever find yourself engaged in a staring contest with a snake, you'll lose.

New technology protects authenticity of engineered cell lines

Advances in synthetic biology and genome editing have led to a growing industry to develop customized cell lines for medical research. These engineered cell lines, however, can be vulnerable to misidentification, cross-contamination ...

Record-breaking chemical reactivity with nanometer-scale sponge

Catalysts are often solid materials whose surface comes into contact with gases or liquids, thereby enabling certain chemical reactions. However, this means that any atoms of the catalyst that are not on the surface serve ...

Researchers make hardened wooden knives that slice through steak

The sharpest knives available are made of either steel or ceramic, both of which are man-made materials that must be forged in furnaces under extreme temperatures. Now, researchers have developed a potentially more sustainable ...

Life support cooked up from lunar rocks

Engineers have successfully shown how water and oxygen can be extracted by cooking up lunar soil, in order to support future Moon bases. A laboratory demonstrator, developed by a consortium of the Politecnico Milano, the ...

Advanced mouse embryos grown outside the uterus

To observe how a tiny ball of identical cells on its way to becoming a mammalian embryo first attaches to an awaiting uterine wall and then develops into nervous system, heart, stomach and limbs: This has been a highly-sought ...

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