Exploring how stars determine their own masses

Last year, a team of astrophysicists including key members from Northwestern University launched STARFORGE, a project that produces the most realistic, highest-resolution 3D simulations of star formation to date. Now, the ...

Triply eclipsing stellar systems

Stars with the mass of the sun or larger are typically accompanied by one or more orbiting companion stars. The system forms when gravity contracts the gas and dust of an interstellar cloud until clumps develop that are dense ...

Black holes raze thousands of stars to fuel growth

In some of the most crowded parts of the universe, black holes may be tearing apart thousands of stars and using their remains to pack on weight. This discovery, made with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, could help answer ...

Simulation shows how star collisions fuel massive black holes

It's difficult to predict with certainty what will happen when giant stars collide, but new, first-of-their-kind hydrodynamic simulations by the DEMOBLACK team at the University of Padova in Italy point to a range of exotic ...

New giant radio galaxy detected

European astronomers report the detection of a new giant radio galaxy (GRG) as part of the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey (LoTSS). The newly found object, named Alcyoneus, turns out to be the largest GRG known to date. The finding ...

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