Environmental toxin PCB found in deep sea trench

PCB has been banned in most countries since the 1970s, but that doesn't mean it no longer exists. Now, deep-sea researchers report that they have found PCB at the bottom of the Atacama Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

Researchers model benefits of riverfront forest restoration

A new Stanford University-led study in Costa Rica reveals that restoring relatively narrow strips of riverfront forests could substantially improve regional water quality and carbon storage. The analysis, available online ...

Steep mountain slopes have surprisingly long lifetimes

Gravity and rock physics say slopes steeper than about 30°—known as the critical threshold angle, or the angle of repose—shouldn't really exist, yet they do. These steep slopes and near-vertical cliffs can be seen in ...

Greenland 'knickpoints' could stall spread of glacial thinning

The jagged terrain of Greenland's mountains is protecting some of the island's outlet glaciers from warm coastal waters, according to a team of researchers that included scientists from The University of Texas at Austin and ...

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