Study inspects galaxy protocluster PHz G237.01+42.50

An international team of astronomers has performed spectroscopic observations of a distant galaxy protocluster known as PHz G237.01+42.50. Results of the study, presented in a paper published September 9 on the arXiv pre-print ...

Image: Hubble captures a sparkling cluster

This star-studded image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope depicts NGC 6717, which lies more than 20,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius. NGC 6717 is a globular cluster, a roughly spherical collection ...

Research investigates the brightest star of 47 Tucanae

Astronomers have inspected the brightest star of a globular cluster known as 47 Tucanae (other designation NGC 104). Results of the study, published August 3 on, provide important insights into the properties and ...

Italian astronomers discover new star cluster

Astronomers from Italy report the detection of a new star cluster as part of the YMCA (Yes, Magellanic Clouds Again) survey. The newly discovered stellar grouping, designated YMCA-1, may be an old and remote star cluster ...

Hubble reveals a 'rediscovered' star cluster

This image shows the globular cluster NGC 6380, which lies around 35,000 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Scorpio (the Scorpion). Globular clusters are spherical groups of stars held together by gravity; they ...

Image: Hubble sees a cluster of red, white, and blue

This image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope depicts the open star cluster NGC 330, which lies around 180,000 light-years away inside the Small Magellanic Cloud. The cluster—which is in the constellation Tucana ...

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