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Eight new millisecond pulsars discovered with FAST

Using the Five-Hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), astronomers from the Guizhou University in China and elsewhere have discovered eight new millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster NGC 6517. The finding ...

Astronomers explore globular cluster NGC 2419

Using the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) and ESA's Gaia satellite, astronomers have explored a galactic globular cluster known as NGC 2419. Results of the study, published April 29 on the preprint server arXiv, shed ...

First pulsar detected in globular cluster GLIMPSE-C01

Using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), astronomers have discovered a millisecond pulsar in the globular cluster GLIMPSE-C01 as part of the VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE). This is the first ...

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