Swift gamma-ray bursts—a 3D step toward standard candles

A new way to use the most powerful explosions in the Universe to calibrate its expansion has been developed by a team of researchers (Sergey Postnikov, Xavier Hernandez from Institute of Astronomy , UNAM, and Michal Ostrowski ...

Coal ash ponds found to leak toxic materials

A Duke University study of coal ash ponds near 21 power plants in five Southeastern U.S. states has found evidence that nearby surface waters and groundwater are consistently and lastingly contaminated by the unlined ponds.

Is this the trailer for the upcoming LHC blockbuster?

In light of the latest analysis on the decay of beauty mesons, the dawn of a 'new physics', may be approaching. An important contribution to the analysis has been made by physicists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of ...

The world's newest atom-smasher achieves its 'first turns'

One of the world's top particle accelerators has reached a milestone, achieving its "first turns"—circulating beams of particles for the first time—and opening a new window into the universe, a view that will give physicists ...

'Millennium physicist' ready to take helm at nuclear center

Fabiola Gianotti, who this week takes the helm at CERN, home to world's largest particle accelerator, is seen as a new breed of scientist. Initially trained in arts and literature, she came to physics relatively late. She ...

WITCH hunt nearing end at CERN

This Halloween, meet CERN's very own WITCH – an experiment at ISOLDE, the laboratory's nuclear facility.

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