New measurement of electron–quark scattering

From matching wings on butterflies to the repeating six-point pattern of snowflakes, symmetries echo through nature, even down to the smallest building blocks of matter. Since the discovery of quarks, the building blocks ...

LHC experiments join forces to zoom in on the Higgs boson

Today during the 50th session of "Rencontres de Moriond" in La Thuile Italy, ATLAS and CMS presented for the first time a combination of their results on the mass of the Higgs boson. The combined mass of the Higgs boson is ...

WiggleZ survey confirms the big picture of the Universe

( -- We know that stars group together to form galaxies, galaxies clump to make clusters and clusters gather to create structures known as superclusters. At what scale though, if at all, does this Russian doll-like ...

'God Particle' Nobel ticks boson box for CERN

The reflected glory of a Nobel prize for the minds behind the "God particle" sent champagne corks popping at Europe's top physics lab CERN Tuesday, vindicating its landmark discovery a year ago.

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