US gasoline consumption is higher than ever

August was the biggest month ever for U.S. gasoline consumption. Americans used a staggering 9.7 million barrels per day. That's more than a gallon per day for every U.S. man, woman and child.

Explainer: What are fundamental particles?

It is often claimed that the Ancient Greeks were the first to identify objects that have no size, yet are able to build up the world around us through their interactions. And as we are able to observe the world in tinier ...

Particle physics -- why does it matter?

Scientists reported yesterday the discovery of a particle that is very likely the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that gives other particles mass—and makes life possible. Theorized in the 1960s and sometimes called ...

Swift gamma-ray bursts—a 3D step toward standard candles

A new way to use the most powerful explosions in the Universe to calibrate its expansion has been developed by a team of researchers (Sergey Postnikov, Xavier Hernandez from Institute of Astronomy , UNAM, and Michal Ostrowski ...

Putting quarks on a virtual scale

For the last several years, much of the attention in particle physics has focused on the Higgs Boson, so one could be forgiven thinking that the rest of the subatomic particle world has been figured out. In reality, however, ...

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