Electron's shapeliness throws a curve at supersymmetry

A small band of particle-seeking scientists at Yale and Harvard has established a new benchmark for the electron's almost perfect roundness, raising doubts about certain theories that predict what lies beyond physics' reigning ...

The standard model of particle physics may be broken, expert says

As a physicist working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is "When are you going to find something?" Resisting the temptation to sarcastically reply "Aside from the Higgs ...

California puzzles over safety of driverless cars

California's Department of Motor Vehicles will miss a year-end deadline to adopt new rules for cars of the future because regulators first have to figure out how they'll know whether "driverless" vehicles are safe.

Underground Italian lab searches for signals of quantum gravity

For decades, physicists have been hunting for a quantum-gravity model that would unify quantum physics, the laws that govern the very small, and gravity. One major obstacle has been the difficulty in testing the predictions ...

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