Video: Ariane 6 launchpad testing

It has been an exciting and busy summer for the European Space Agency, with development and testing of its new Ariane 6 launcher.

Key flight for Europe's GPS is cleared for launch

The launch of two Galileo satellites, marking a crucial step in Europe's planned navigation system, has been cleared for Friday, the European Space Agency (ESA) said on Tuesday.

Strengthening Canada's research capacity: The gender dimension

An in-depth, authoritative assessment of women in university research has found that although there has been significant progress in the representation of women in the university research ranks, there are still gender equity ...

Video: Sentinel-1 separation in space

This superb footage was acquired by cameras on the Soyuz Fregat upper stage that released Sentinel-1 into orbit on 3 April 2014. It shows the Sentinel-1 satellite separating from the Fregat to start its life in orbit around ...

Computer genetic metrics of fly brain reveal sex differences

Thanks to genetic tools that allow computers to accurately count neurons from microscopy images, EPFL researchers have estimated with unprecedented accuracy the number of neurons and other types of cells in the brain of fruit ...

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