ROV video offers clues on how rare squid catches prey

( —Video captured by a camera aboard a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) off the coast of southern California is offering scientists clues to help explain how the rare squid Grimalditeuthis bonplandi, manages to ...

Essential mechanism of symbiosis found in Hawaiian squid

( —Experiments at UW-Madison with a small squid that glows in the dark have uncovered a complex conversation that allows the newly hatched squid to attract the glowing, symbiotic bacteria that disguises it against ...

Unusual material expands dramatically under pressure

If you squeeze a normal object in all directions, it shrinks in all directions. But a few strange materials will actually grow in one dimension when compressed. A team of chemists has now discovered a structure that takes ...

Sexual selection in the sea

Biologists have uncovered new insights into how the male sexual behaviour of the peculiar southern bottletail squid is primed to produce the greatest number of offspring.

Japan aquarium shows mysterious clear-blood fish

The deep oceans have yielded many mysteries that have puzzled people for centuries, from the giant squid to huge jellyfish that look like UFOs. To that list add a fish with totally transparent blood.

Bioinspired material mimics squid beak

( —Researchers led by scientists at Case Western Reserve University have turned to an unlikely model to make medical devices safer and more comfortable—a squid's beak.

Biologist gets a squid's eye view (w/ video)

( —Pursuing the misunderstood Humboldt squid, Hopkins Marine Station's William Gilly has strapped video cameras and electronic sensors to the animals, exhaustively analyzed their habitats, tracked them with sonar ...

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