Scientists given rare glimpse of 350-kilo colossal squid

Scientists said Tuesday a female colossal squid weighing an estimated 350 kilograms (770 lbs) and thought to be only the second intact specimen ever found was carrying eggs when discovered in the Antarctic.

The color of blood: Pigment helps stage symbiosis in squid

The small but charismatic Hawaiian bobtail squid is known for its predator-fooling light organ. To survive, the nocturnal cephalopod depends on a symbiotic association with a luminescent bacterium that gives it the ability ...

What vigilant squid can teach us about the purpose of pain

Most of us have probably felt that lasting sense of anxiety or even pain after enduring some kind of accident or injury. Now, researchers have the first evidence in any animal that there may be a very good reason for that ...

Grasp of SQUIDs dynamics facilitates eavesdropping

Theoretical physicists are currently exploring the dynamics of a very unusual kind of device called a SQUID. This Superconducting Quantum Interference Device is a highly sensitive magnetometer used to measure extremely subtle ...

Researchers discover how squid perceive distance

( —Researchers at The University of Queensland have discovered how a species of squid perceives distance, providing an evolutionary solution to a problem divers regularly encounter in featureless waters.

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