Group sets plans for largest radio telescope ever

( -- Proving that a lot of little things can go a long way, a group of astronomers have revealed plans to build and install a radio telescope array out of thousands of small inexpensive dishes, spread out over ...

Astronomers detect galactic space laser

A powerful radio-wave laser, called a "megamaser", has been observed by the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa. The record-breaking find is the most distant megamaser of its kind ever detected, at about five billion light ...

Moon's orbit proposed as a gravitational wave detector

Researchers from the UAB, IFAE and University College London propose using the variations in distance between the Earth and the moon, which can be measured with a precision of less than a centimeter, as a new gravitational ...

ASKAP test finds "monster" black hole

Imagine trying on new pair of spectacles and when glancing around to test them you spot a monster—that's exactly what happened when the ASKAP antennas were turned towards a group of three merging galaxies 1.8 billion light ...

SETI reborn—the new search for intelligent life

A new influx of money has saved the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) from collapse, but what does the future hold for our quest to discover intelligent life in the Universe?

Automation offers big solution to big data in astronomy

It's almost a rite of passage in physics and astronomy. Scientists spend years scrounging up money to build a fantastic new instrument. Then, when the long-awaited device finally approaches completion, the panic begins: How ...

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