NASA trapped Mars Rover finds evidence of subsurface water

( -- The ground where NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit became stuck last year holds evidence that water, perhaps as snow melt, trickled into the subsurface fairly recently and on a continuing basis.

Sandtrapped Rover Makes a Big Discovery

Homer's Iliad tells the story of Troy, a city besieged by the Greeks in the Trojan War. Today, a lone robot sits besieged in the sands of Troy while engineers and scientists plot its escape.

Scientists work to free Mars rover Spirit

( -- In the past several weeks, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory finished experimentation on methods to get the rover Spirit unstuck from its location near a plateau called Home Plate.

Spirit rover's wheels stuck in soft Martian dirt

( -- The five wheels that still rotate on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit have been slipping severely in soft soil during recent attempts to drive, sinking the wheels about halfway into the ground.

Mars Rover Team Diagnosing Unexpected Behavior

( -- The team operating NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit plans diagnostic tests this week after Spirit did not report some of its weekend activities, including a request to determine its orientation after ...

How Martian winds make rocks walk

Rocks on Mars are on the move, rolling into the wind and forming organized patterns, according to new research.

Scientists develop counterfeit booze-detecting device

Researchers at The University of Manchester have developed the world's first handheld SORS device that can detect fake spirits, such as vodka and whisky, whilst still in their bottles.

Rock spire in 'Spirit of St. Louis Crater' on Mars

An elongated crater called "Spirit of St. Louis," with a rock spire in it, dominates a recent scene from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.

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The English word "spirit" has many differing meanings and connotations, but commonly refers to a supernatural being or essence — transcendent and therefore metaphysical in its nature: the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines it as "the non-physical part of a person". For many people, however, spirit, like soul, forms a natural part of a being: such people may identify spirit with mind, or with consciousness, or with the brain.

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