A missing 'motor' causes human eggs to fail

Human eggs often contain the wrong number of chromosomes, leading to miscarriages and infertility. A research team led by Melina Schuh at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Multidisciplinary Sciences has discovered that human ...

Team applies new techniques and sees surprises in cell division

Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have obtained the first high-resolution, three-dimensional images of a cell with a nucleus undergoing cell division. The observations, made using a powerful imaging technique ...

Protein CENP-E plays important role during cell division

Cells divide to produce new cells. A protein meshwork called the fibrous corona plays an important role during this process, as it ensures that DNA is evenly distributed over the new daughter cells. In collaboration with ...

Molecular motors” involved in chromosome transport observed

Researchers at Waseda University in Japan have for the first time directly observed the "molecular motor", called Xkid, that plays a critical role in facilitating the proper alignment of chromosomes during cell division. ...

EGF growth factor accelerates cell division, study finds

Biologists at Heidelberg University have discovered new approaches for the treatment of cancer. They investigated how a special signalling molecule, the epidermal growth factor (EGF), stimulates the separation of chromosomes ...