Physicists develop concept of new fast non-volatile memory

Using micromagnetic simulation, scientists have found the magnetic parameters and operating modes for the experimental implementation of a fast racetrack memory module that runs on spin current, carrying information via skyrmionium, ...

Graphene bilayer provides efficient transport and control of spins

University of Groningen physicists in collaboration with a theoretical physics group from Universität Regensburg have built an optimized bilayer graphene device that displays both long spin lifetimes and electrically controllable ...

Thermal spin currents confirmed in both space and time

Electrons possess their own angular momentum. They turn on their own axis. In physics, the technical term for this property is spin. Such an electron spin is what makes electrons behave as magnets. However, what is special ...

One-way roads for spin currents

Spin is a type of angular momentum intrinsic to particles, roughly speaking as if they were spinning on themselves. Particles can exchange their spin, and in this way spin currents can be formed in a material. Through years ...

Some superconductors can also carry currents of 'spin'

Researchers have shown that certain superconductors—materials that carry electrical current with zero resistance at very low temperatures—can also carry currents of 'spin'. The successful combination of superconductivity ...

Zero field switching (ZFS) effect in a nanomagnetic device

An unexpected phenomenon known as zero field switching (ZFS) could lead to smaller, lower-power memory and computing devices than presently possible. The image shows a layering of platinum (Pt), tungsten (W), and a cobalt-iron-boron ...

Practical spin wave transistor one step closer

University of Groningen physicists have managed to alter the flow of spin waves through a magnet, using only an electrical current. This is a huge step towards the spin transistor that is needed to construct spintronic devices. ...

New research advances spintronics technology

Engineers at the University of California, Riverside, have reported advances in so-called "spintronic" devices that will help lead to a new technology for computing and data storage. They have developed methods to detect ...

Thermal gradients shown to enhance spin transport in graphene

Scientists of the ICN2 Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices Group, led by ICREA Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela, have contributed to the literature on spin caloritronics with a focus on the effect of thermal gradients on spins ...

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