Related topics: whales

Scientists peek into giant squid's gene pool

Scientists announced they had peeked into the DNA of the giant squid, seeking to demystify a deep-sea creature that has haunted sailors' dreams for centuries.

Huge sperm whale washes up on Sydney beach

A dead 10-metre (32-feet) sperm whale has washed up on a Sydney beach, with rescuers struggling Thursday to remove it as the animal's blood runs into the water, attracting sharks.

Last whale dies in mass Australian beaching

The last of a huge pod of sperm and minke whales washed onto a southern Australian beach and nearby sandbank has died despite an extensive operation to set it free, officials said.

Whaling: The hunters and the hunted

Thirty years into a moratorium on commercial whaling, hundreds of the marine mammals, some endangered, are killed every year—some in open defiance of the ban, others in the name of scientific research.

Scientists warn of unseen deepwater oil disaster

(AP) -- Independent scientists and government officials say there's a disaster we can't see in the Gulf of Mexico's mysterious depths, the ruin of a world inhabited by enormous sperm whales and tiny, invisible plankton.

Study finds evidence of sperm whale culture

Differences in the patterned clicks that sperm whales use to communicate with each other seem to be down to culture and not genetics, say researchers.

Sperm whales have individual personalities

( -- In a recent study published in Animal Behaviour by Dalhousie University biologists Hal Whitehead and Shane Gero, the concept that sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are individuals is being learned.

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