Cruise passengers spend less despite offers on land

Cruise tourists are not influenced by extended shopping opportunities. They spend very little money during the port of call even when they are offered an increased number of spending options.

Imagining a future when machines have all the jobs

Martin Ford saw it everywhere, even in his own business. Smarter machines and better software were helping companies do more work with fewer people. His Silicon Valley software firm used to put its programs on disks and ship ...

How network effects hurt economies

When large-scale economic struggles hit a region, a country, or even a continent, the explanations tend to be big in nature as well.

Link found between parenthood and social conservatism

An international team of researchers has found a possible link between having children and degrees of social conservatism in people. In their paper published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the group describes ...

Poverty-level wages cost U.S. taxpayers $153 billion every year

While the U.S. economy rebounds, persistent low wages are costing taxpayers approximately $153 billion every year in public support to working families, including $25 billion at the state level, according to a new report ...

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