Related topics: brain

Facebook is pulling ads from racy, violent pages

Facebook is pulling ads from pages that contain violence or sexual content. The social network said that on Monday, it will expand its definition of pages and groups that are too controversial to carry advertisements.

Philadelphia shifts to a Northern accent, research indicates

The traditional Southern inflections associated with the Philadelphia regional accent are increasingly being displaced by Northern influences. A recent study supported by the National Science Foundation documents this trend ...

Analysis of rhetoric and policy

As an English major, Natalie Midiri has an appreciation for the art of the written and spoken word. The Rutgers–Camden senior knows rhetoric can influence and inspire people, especially when coming from world leaders and ...

Songbird sings in 3D

The question 'How do songbirds sing?' is addressed in a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Biology. High-field magnetic resonance imaging and micro-computed tomography have been used to construct ...

Official requests up for Web data: Google

Google said Tuesday the number of government requests to hand over data from users or to take down Web content rose in the first six months of 2012, extending a trend of recent years.

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