Hitchhiking robot charms its way across Canada

He has dipped his boots in Lake Superior, crashed a wedding and attended an Aboriginal powwow. A talking, bucket-bodied robot has enthralled Canadians since it departed from Halifax last month on a hitchhiking journey to ...

What does Google want with DeepMind?

All eyes turned to London this week, as Google announced its latest acquisition in the form of DeepMind, a company that specialises in artificial intelligence technologies. The £400m pricetag paid by Google and the reported ...

Facebook seeks to get smarter with big data

Facebook is working to become your new best friend, getting to know you better by infusing the billion-member social network's software with artificial intelligence.

Smart solutions to increase time and resource management

'Time is money.' Though coined in 1748 the old adage is still a firmly anchored principle in today's business circles. Time efficiency and increasingly resource efficiency are some of the many pressures facing businesses ...

New speech recognition model: Hidden Conditional Neural Fields

Toyohashi Tech researchers propose the Hidden Conditional Neural Fields (HCNF) model for continuous speech recognition. The model is a combination of the Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRF) and a Multi-Layer Perceptron ...

Google buys machine learning startup

Google said Wednesday that it has bought a Canadian startup specializing in getting machines to understand what people are trying to say.

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