Google-Samsung relationship profitable but could change

The world's leading smartphone maker managed to spotlight a youthful tap-dancer, Broadway actors and plenty of lame jokes during an hourlong event to show off its latest high-end gadget - but there was barely a mention of ...

The iron jaws of the bristle worm

Bristle worms are found almost everywhere in seawater, they have populated the oceans for hundreds of millions of years. Nevertheless, some of their special features have only now been deciphered: Their jaws are made of remarkably ...

Adaptive hydrotherapy wetsuit

This user-operated adaptive hydrotherapy wetsuit is for people with limited mobility, in particular paraplegic patients and the elderly. As water can minimize the impact on patients' joints and muscles during conditioning ...

Directional water transport tester for fabrics

This Directional Water Transport Tester(DWTT) is a sensitive, accurate and reliable instrument for fabrics' water absorption and transport measurements developed by researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. DWTT's ...

Tiny worms are helping scientists better understand fertility

Studying sex from just the male perspective misses half the experience. But much of what we know about the origins of reproductive cells comes from looking at sperm and egg formation separately—or only focusing on sperm.

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