Recalculating the distance to interstellar space

( -- Scientists analyzing recent data from NASA's Voyager and Cassini spacecraft have calculated that Voyager 1 could cross over into the frontier of interstellar space at any time and much earlier than previously ...

Measuring the clumpiness of proto-planetary disks

( -- The process of star formation, once thought to involve just the simple coalescence of material under the influence of gravity, actually entails a complex series of stages, with the youngest stars assembling ...

NASA space images app, website broaden cosmic horizons

Professional and amateur space aficionados are in for a treat with the new Space Images Version 2 app, created by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena Calif. The free app is now optimized for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch ...

Earth movements from Japan earthquake seen from space

Satellite images have been essential for helping relief efforts in Japan following the massive quake that struck on 11 March. Now scientists are using ESA’s space radars to improve our understanding of tectonic events.

Features on asteroid revealed by radar

( -- Radar imaging at NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar in the California desert on Dec. 11 and 12, 2010, revealed defining characteristics of recently discovered asteroid 2010 JL33. The images have been made ...

The superwind galaxy NGC 4666 (w/ Video)

( -- The galaxy NGC 4666 takes pride of place at the centre of this new image, made in visible light with the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. NGC 4666 ...

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