Russia probes ISS rocket failure

Russian investigators have launched a probe into why a Soyuz rocket failed shortly after blast-off, in a major setback for Russia's beleaguered space industry.

'That was a short flight': crew of failed rocket keeps cool

Russian cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin retained an enviable sang-froid Thursday as he realised while travelling at thousands of miles an hour that his spacecraft would have to make an emergency landing.

Russia's history of aborted manned space launches

The aborted launch of a Soyuz rocket with US astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin on Thursday was the first such accident in the history of manned launches in modern Russia.

NASA head: Space station hole cause will be determined

The head of the U.S. space agency said Tuesday that he's sure that investigators will determine the cause of a mysterious hole that appeared on the International Space Station, which his Russian counterpart has said was deliberately ...

Russia finds ISS hole made deliberately: space chief

Russian investigators looking into the origin of a hole that caused an oxygen leak on the International Space Station have said it was caused deliberately, the space agency chief said.

Russia says space station leak may be sabotage

Russia launched checks Tuesday after its space chief said an air leak on the International Space Station last week could have been deliberate sabotage.

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