Related topics: climate change

New factor in the carbon cycle of the Southern Ocean identified

Plankton are small organisms that drift with the currents in the seas and oceans. Despite their small size, they play an important planetary role due to their immense quantity. Photosynthesizing plankton, known as phytoplankton, ...

Nuclear war could trigger big El Nino and decrease seafood

A nuclear war could trigger an unprecedented El NiƱo-like warming episode in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, slashing algal populations by 40 percent and likely lowering the fish catch, according to a Rutgers-led study.

Molting krill provide a highway for ocean carbon storage

This study provides the first estimate of how much carbon large swarms of Antarctic krill can draw down and store through the molting process. The efficiency of this process has an important influence on our global climate.

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