Australian continent shifts with the seasons, study finds

Australia shifts and tilts back and forth by several millimeters each year because of changes to the Earth's center of mass, according to a new study. The findings could help scientists better track the precise location of ...

Study reveals Asian ancestry of Pacific islanders

Ancient DNA has revealed the first inhabitants of Vanuatu and Tonga came from Asia, not other Oceanic populations as has long been assumed, a study published Tuesday found.

Why a rat eradication attempt on Henderson Island failed

(—A team of researchers the University of Cambridge and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has conducted a case study of a failed rat eradication project on an island in the South Pacific. In their paper ...

NASA sees Winston winding down near Norfolk Island

The once Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston was winding down when NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed over it early on Feb. 25 is it continued weakening in the South Pacific. Now sub-tropical, Winston was threatening ...

Rare nautilus sighted for the first time in three decades

In early August, biologist Peter Ward returned from the South Pacific with news that he encountered an old friend, one he hadn't seen in over three decades. The University of Washington professor had seen what he considers ...

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