New method measures rare traces of a volatile gas

The gas nitrogen monoxide (NO) belongs to the group of nitrogen oxides, infamous as toxic emissions in urban agglomerations. But NO is also produced in nature and plays a role in the nitrogen cycle, which is essential for ...

Call for cooperation as 'blue boats' rob Pacific reefs

A flotilla of Vietnamese fishing boats with crews suffering in harsh conditions is stripping Pacific coral reefs of seafood as the poaching escalates to become an international human rights and security issue.

No tsunami threat detected from large Chile quakes

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says it does not see a threat of powerful waves along the coasts of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska or Hawaii due to a powerful earthquake off South America.

GPM views Tropical Cyclone Zena hitting Vanuatu

Tropical Cyclone Zena, formerly known as Tropical Cyclone 18P formed in the South Pacific Ocean near Vanuatu early on April 5, 2016. The Global Precipitation Measurement or GPM core observatory satellite flew directly above ...

Video: Aerosol spread from Australian fires

Ferocious bushfires have been sweeping across Australia since September, fueled by record-breaking temperatures, drought and wind. The country has always experienced fires, but this season has been horrific. A staggering ...

Tintinnid ciliates can act as warm eddy bioindicators

Planktonic ciliates consist of tintinnid and aloricate ciliates. Tintinnid clliates are sensitive to environmental changes, thus they can act as effective bioindicators in different seas.

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