Pacific tuna meet fails to agree on cutbacks

Pacific island states and countries failed on Friday to strike a deal to protect shrinking supplies of tuna and adopt cutbacks following a regional conference, officials said, sparking condemnation from conservationists.

NASA finds ex-Tropical Cyclone Esther moving back inland

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Esther just won't give up. The storm formed in the South Pacific Ocean, tracked across Australia's Northern Territory and reached the Kimberley coast of Western Australia, and has now turned around. NASA's ...

Making dams safer for fish around the world

Think of the pressure change you feel when an elevator zips you up multiple floors in a tall building. Imagine how you'd feel if that elevator carried you all the way up to the top of Mt. Everest – in the blink of an eye.

West coast log, lumber exports down in first half of 2012

Log exports from Washington, Oregon, northern California, and Alaska totaled 736 million board feet in the first 6 months of 2012, a decrease of 25 percent compared to the same time last year, according to the U.S. Forest ...

Jellyfish: Our complex relationship with the oceans' anti-heroes

Ding! The courier hands me an unassuming brown box with "live animals" plastered on the side. I begin carefully unboxing. The cardboard exterior gives way to a white polystyrene clamshell, cloistering a pearly sphere-shaped, ...

NASA added up Typhoon Prapiroon's rainfall

Tropical Cyclones can generate a tremendous amount of rainfall, and NASA's IMERG program utilizes a variety of data to create rainfall maps. Those maps provide estimates of where the heaviest rainfall occurred and NASA recently ...

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