Q&A: Tracking the history of El Niño

In December 2018, forecasters announced a high likelihood that this winter will bring El Niño, which occurs when unusually warm Pacific waters create changes in weather patterns around the world. The phenomenon causes predictable ...

One dead as typhoon Doksuri batters Philippines

A powerful storm pounded the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least one person, toppling trees and knocking out power as thousands sheltered with neighbors or in emergency evacuation centers.

Research mission to probe Santorini volcano mysteries

A team of scientists will in December use a drill ship to trace the geological history of the southern Aegean, including the volcanic eruption that reshaped the Greek island of Santorini, a mission member said Wednesday.

TRMM sees large and more powerful Cyclone Pam, warnings posted

The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission or TRMM satellite saw powerful towering thunderstorms in Tropical Cyclone Pam, indicating the storm was strengthening as it moved through the Solomon Islands. Pam has now triggered ...

French leader goes green to woo Pacific islands

France's President Emmanuel Macron stripped off his suit jacket Friday to wander the wild forests of Papua New Guinea on a green-tinted charm offensive in the South Pacific.

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