Scientists develop new AI method to create material 'fingerprints'

Like people, materials evolve over time. They also behave differently when they are stressed and relaxed. Scientists looking to measure the dynamics of how materials change have developed a new technique that leverages X-ray ...

Local dragonflies expose mercury pollution patterns

A new study has unveiled surprising findings about mercury pollution: where it comes from and how it moves through the environment vary significantly depending on the ecosystem. In drier regions, most mercury is deposited ...

Methane flux in North Sea varies with tides, study shows

Methane, a strong greenhouse gas that naturally escapes from the bottom of the North Sea, is affected by the pressure of high or low tide. Methane emissions from the sea floor can be just easily three times as much or as ...

Digging deep—value of the soil microbiome unearthed

Researchers in South Australia are digging deep into history of soil biology in the state to gain a better understanding of how the soil microbiome functions to ensure sustainable broadacre farming into the future.

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