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Clooney slams skittish Hollywood after Sony hack

Film star George Clooney slammed the Hollywood movie industry for failing to stand up against the cyber threats that prompted Sony Pictures to cancel release of the movie "The Interview."

US accuses North Korea of Sony hack (Update)

The United States said Friday that North Korea was behind a cyber attack on Sony Pictures, warning that those responsible would face punishment, as an envoy for Pyongyang again denied involvement.

Japan sees 25 billion cyberattacks in 2014

More than 25 billion cyberattacks on the Japanese government and other bodies were logged in 2014, an agency said Tuesday, with 40 percent of them traced to China.

Sony tells AFP it still plans movie release

Sony Pictures boss Michael Lynton denied Friday the Hollywood studio has "caved" by canceling the release of "The Interview," and said it still hoped to release the controversial film.

FBI probing Sony hack, as data leaks emerge

The FBI said Tuesday it was investigating a cyberattack on Sony Pictures, amid reports that employee information as well as new films were being leaked online.

FireEye is "first in the door" on big cyberattacks

As hackers invade the computer systems of major companies with greater frequency and their corporate victims scramble to contain the damage and prevent future intrusions, these are boom times for cybersecurity sleuths.

First film on Steve Jobs to debut at Sundance

The first film on the life of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs since his death, with Ashton Kutcher in the title role, will debut in January at the Sundance Film Festival, organizers said.

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