Mars is getting a new robotic meteorologist

Mars is about to get a new stream of weather reports, once NASA's Perseverance rover touches down on Feb. 18, 2021. As it scours Jezero Crater for signs of ancient microbial life, Perseverance will collect the first planetary ...

Trees and lawns beat the heat

In cities, humans replace the natural ground cover with roofs, pavement and other artificial materials that are impervious to water. These surfaces significantly change how the land absorbs and releases energy and cause the ...

Okay, new idea: 'Oumuamua is an interstellar 'dust bunny'

Explaining the concept of a dust bunny to small children can be quite amusing. No, it's not actually alive. It's moving around because of really small currents of wind that we can't even see. It's mainly formed out of dead ...

Rainbow comet with a heart of sponge

A permeable heart with a hardened facade—the resting place of Rosetta's lander on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is revealing more about the interior of the "rubber duck" shaped-body looping around the Sun.

Spinning black hole powers jet by magnetic flux

Black holes are at the center of almost all galaxies that have been studied so far. They have an unimaginably large mass and therefore attract matter, gas and even light. But they can also emit matter in the form of plasma ...

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