Researchers study black carbon aerosol in urban Beijing

Black carbon (BC) is the product of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuel and biomass. By strongly absorbing solar radiation, BC can heat the atmosphere, affect its stability, and further deteriorate air quality.

Arctic ocean expedition advances climate modeling

As the climate warms and Arctic sea ice retreats, more research vessels and commercial ships are sailing into the Arctic Ocean, but the accuracy and sensitivity of regional weather and marine forecasts for these hazardous ...

How does incident solar radiation affect urban canyons?

Jihui Yuan (Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology) proposed a numerical bead model to predict the upward-to-downward reflection ratio of glass bead retro-reflective ...

The largest-ever catalog of gravitational waves released

One of humankind's greatest achievements was made on 14th Sept 2015 when the first direct detection of a gravitational wave event was made using the aLIGO observatories in Washington State and Louisana in the U.S.

SpaceX to send TU Dresden satellite into space

TU Dresden's SOMP2b satellite will be lifted into orbit by SpaceX on January 22, 2021. It will be used to investigate new nanomaterials under the extreme conditions of space, to test systems for converting the sun's heat ...

Energy from solar wind favors the north

Using information from ESA's Swarm satellite constellation, scientists have made a discovery about how energy generated by electrically-charged particles in the solar wind flows into Earth's atmosphere—surprisingly, more ...

Aluminum alloy research could benefit manned space missions

The MIAMI-2—Microscopes and Ion Accelerators for Materials Investigations—facility has helped Dr. Matheus Tunes investigate a new alloy that will harden aluminum without increasing its weight significantly.

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