What happens when schools go solar?

Sunshine splashing onto school rooftops and campuses across the country is an undertapped resource that could help shrink electricity bills, new research suggests.

A decade-long quest to build an ecosystem in a room

Yesterday the MELiSSA pilot plant at the University of Barcelona celebrated 10 years spent demonstrating the ideal technologies to recycle waste from space missions into air, water and food.

A solution to fracture for durable solar cells

Micro cracks in solar cells are a frequent challenge for manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules. EU-funded researchers introduced an innovative pre-stressing technique to retard the growth of cracks and make durable ...

The state of the U.S. solar industry

On Jan. 22, 2018, the Trump administration announced plans to impose punitive duties on solar panels imported from abroad. This decision came in response to a complaint filed by two solar companies, but much of the industry ...

New life for aging scooter batteries

What can we do with aging scooter batteries? Instead of scrapping them and recycling their components, the batteries could be left intact and re-used in a solar power storage cabinet. This is precisely what a pilot project ...

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