Solar concentrator increases collection with less loss

( -- Converting sunlight into electricity is not economically attractive because of the high cost of solar cells, but a recent, purely optical approach to improving luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) may ease ...

Researchers discover technique to improve solar cell technology

A multi-disciplinary team of scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory has discovered a way to tailor nanostructures that could result in low-cost, high efficiency solar cells. The research appears in the August 10, 2011 ...

Colored solar cells could make display screens more efficient

( -- A new kind of screen pixel doubles as a solar cell and could boost the energy efficiency of cell phones and e-readers. The technology could also potentially be used in larger displays to make energy-harvesting ...

How to produce flexible CIGS solar cells with record efficiency

High-performance flexible and lightweight solar cells, say, on plastic foils, have excellent potential to lower the manufacturing costs through roll-to-roll processing and the so called "balance-of-system" cost, thus enabling ...

An electronic bucket brigade could boost solar cell voltages

If solar cells could generate higher voltages when sunlight falls on them, they'd produce more electrical power more efficiently. For over half a century scientists have known that ferroelectrics, materials whose atomic structure ...

Organic solar cell breakthrough

NPL scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in the metrology of organic photovoltaics – a solar power technology. The research demonstrated a new type of atomic force microscopy that can 'see' down into a ...

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