Stable electrodes for improving printed electronics

Imagine owning a television with the thickness and weight of a sheet of paper. It will be possible, someday, thanks to the growing industry of printed electronics. The process, which allows manufacturers to literally print ...

NASA to test new solar sail technology

Solar sails, much like anti-matter and ion engines appear at first glance to only exist in science fiction. Many technologies from science fiction however, become science fact.

Team demonstrates quantum dots that assemble themselves

( —Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory and other labs have demonstrated a process whereby quantum dots can self-assemble at optimal locations in nanowires, a breakthrough ...

Making a Magnetic Moment in a Split Picosecond

( -- A wide range of phenomena in nature and technology depend on changes that occur in a material after it is illuminated with visible light. A well-known example is photosynthesis, where successive excitations ...

Researchers discover technique to improve solar cell technology

A multi-disciplinary team of scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory has discovered a way to tailor nanostructures that could result in low-cost, high efficiency solar cells. The research appears in the August 10, 2011 ...

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