Related topics: black holes

The central region of the Milky Way

( -- The center of our Milky Way galaxy is about 27,000 light-years away in the direction of the constellation of Sagittarius. At the very center of the galaxy lies a black hole whose mass is about four million ...

Suzaku catches retreat of a black hole's disk

( -- Studies of one of the galaxy's most active black-hole binaries reveal a dramatic change that will help scientists better understand how these systems expel fast-moving particle jets.

Researchers explore the inner ring of CI Tauri

Using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT), an international team of astronomers has probed the inner dusty ring of a young star known as CI Tauri (or CI Tau for short). Results of the study, published May 14 on the arXiv pre-print ...

Sun eruptions hit Earth like a 'sneeze', say scientists

Long-term power cuts, destruction of electronic devices and increased cancer risk for aeroplane passengers are all potential effects of the Earth being hit by a powerful solar eruption.

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