Related topics: black holes

Is Betelgeuse actually a binary star?

Betelgeuse has been a favorite among amateur astronomers for many years. However you pronounce it, its unexpected dimming draws even more attention to this red supergiant variable star in Orion. It has a few cycles of variability. ...

New hyperluminous quasar discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new hyperluminous quasar. The newfound quasar, which received the designation eFEDSJ0828–0139, has a high star-formation rate and its black hole is accreting ...

Astronomers discover new open cluster with Gaia

Using ESA's Gaia satellite, astronomers have serendipitously discovered a new open cluster in the Milky Way galaxy. The newfound cluster, which received the designation Ash-1, is relatively young and consists of at least ...